Thursday, April 08, 2004

Conference day 2 presentation notes: WORKING TOGETHER GROUP 2

Integrating a digital library into a virtual classroom. It is important for library and IT staff to be in the same location. This does happen on some campuses; they are much more likely to interact if this is possible. What can we do to bring people together if this is not how it’s set up.

-Communication lines between IT and library staff. What is the comm. line? Is it systems people talking to systems people? What is the structure, and what should the structure be? Are the various lines communicating to be sure there is no duplication?

-Administrative leadership: what are the directors of IT and the library directors doing? Are they creating a space for this to happen? Is it a priority of the leadership? What support are they given to make this happen? Staff time, funding, etc. Is there a clear definition of responsibilities?

-Cross-familiarization is important. Cross-fertilization, cloning, and on…

CIC Collaborations:
-Collect and distribute project information
-Repeat conferences that bring IT & Libraries together

The opportunity is to leverage the strengths and resources of both IT and Libraries so that students can take advantage of Library resources and services within the digital space that they find themselves -- namely the CMS.

CMS/Library integration provides the opportunity to bring the library, IT, students, and faculty into the same digital space.

To pull this off all parties -- esp. IT and library -- will need to work together in the same digital and physical space.

Folks gave examples of IT/Library collaboration at their institutions:
-in many cases, collaboration is just beginning, CMS one fo the first major collaborative projects.
-collabative across the CIC institutions (South Asian languages, for example)

Identify challenges/opportunities/key issues/stakeholders:
-teaching each other what we know on a regular basis (have very little understanding of what the other does/has)
-knowing more about the technology that we use every day
-no use of lingo
-IT in library gives an opportunity to see the systems in action (not available when stuck in back office or another building)
-coordinate efforts (outreach, support of faculty), people network, not enforce by organizational structure, physical location
-culture prevents direct communication at some places
-regular meetings between groups: IT to IT, public services to AT (regular or as needed). COMMUNICATION is important, and you have to do a lot of it. Can't do a top-down structure.
-Need leadership culture that allows this : some structure to help facilitate
-Shared goals/vision/plan
-tap in to expertise from other institutions. CIC could organize - get the details about the various projects, act as a clearinghouse or snapshot of time/people involved

[Proposed] CIC Project Sharing Data Collection form
1. Project name
2. Institution
3. Project goal
4. Design team members
5. Design team charge
6. Design team timeline for project
7. Funding needed for development
8. Funding source
9. Pilot testing/data collected
10. Software and hardware requirement and costs
11. launch date
12. Programming hours needed
13. Content hours needed by other designers
14. Ongoing tech support needed
15. Lessons learned
16. What would we do differently next time?
17. Is the project scalable/ What are the limits?
18. Can the project be used by other institutions? (are there copyright issues?)
19. Whom to contact for more information