Conference day 2 presentation notes: LEGAL POLICIES, Copyright, privacy, FERPA, HIPAA, etc. GROUP 2
-defining FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act)
How does this reply to a CMS or other course-related issues? A lot of it has to do with the institutional understanding of the law. Critical for members of the institution to understand the implications of their actions in light of the law. Examples of things to be addressed: [who can view] grades, email, personal info, keeping ePortfolios, retention policy
-What can be shared in the CMS? What kinds of information? what about grades? What is the retention policy?
STAKEHOLDERS: General counsel, registrar, students, faculty, librarians, IT. Individual institutional responsibility: share solutions across CIC.
-Copyright is really a broad issue at the university. Some universities don’t want to touch the copyright issue. Every institution needs to have its own policy.
-Who owns the content? Are faculty thinking about what rights they sign away, to Elsevier?
-What about institutional monitoring of observing copyright policy? Are we doing this?
-Raising faculty awareness: who is doing this, if anyone? It is a shared responsibility because so many must be reached with this information. Who will train them? Who is providing copyright education in the institution?
-Take advantage of the fact that this is a hot topic right now (Napster, music lawsuits, etc.): make sure that the CIOs and Provosts know about this as a broader issue. One way to get them to listen is to cite the university retention rights.
How do we work together?
-Create a report from this conference aimed toward CIO and provost that expands the copyright issues, esp. (or for example): is the university retaining rights to online content created at the university?
-Sharing best practices policies and procedures would be a great result from this conference.
-Institutional policies on access and retention should be in place.
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