Thursday, April 08, 2004

Conference day 2 presentation notes: WORKING TOGETHER GROUP 1

Covered the stakeholder issue a bit: might have a core of people but you will have to enlist others on a short-term basis.

Opportunities and challenges:
-Coordinated autonomy is important: what is the structure of the collaboration? How will we put ourselves together? What will work at which institution?

-Redefinition of organizational complexity: envision ourselves working in a much more complex invironment.

-Priorities, time, resources. Think about the organizational complexity. One group used their coming together to drive priorities instead of the other way around. Culture: if one group does things quickly and others less so, perhaps combining will reach a happy medium

-Coordinating support: do we have fully integrated support, or is it like “API”-type support, where people are pulled in as needed.

-What are trends? can we suss them out? Perhaps even within the CIC we could focus on this activity.

-Think about this stuff not as a product but as a service. Don’t be as worried about branding the thing, but branding the service.

What might happen in future?
-Continued CIC meetings: on more particular aspects, best practices such as:
-Digital assets stewardship
-Branding the services
-Best practices, a repository of best practices.