Friday, March 12, 2004

Conference day 1 discussion: unlabeled table C

-Teams to support faculty development from both library and IT; get instructors to work with librarians to get e-reserves etc. in CMS
-Have separate social culture, Library It. How to get social organizations to integrate? Also integration of tools and systems to one place. Noone knows everything that is going on (communication)
-People don't know what library does: customer awareness
-Lack of awareness of resources available. How do you get people to connect with all the resources available?
-How to we integrate resources so that they make sense and seamlessly
-Faculty prefer self-serve rather than talking to use - don't need the library
-Faculty want to learn what they want only when they need it - don't want training till they need it. Don't understand copyright issues
-One-stop shopping. Seamless integration
-How do we educate faculty right at the beginning about issues: -orientation to CMS, copyright, services from library, resources from library, prior to developing CMS course
-Online class won't get faculty tenure - so why care how the class turns out?
-How to integrate technology into teaching
-How to get faculty to understand needs for proxies and authentication. Development persistent URLs. Less clicking. More complicated it is for students and faculty: less likely they will use resources; path of least resistance.
-How are CMS improving teaching and learning? What about integrating systems will improve teaching and learning? How do you improve learning with CMS?
-IT and Library are trying to solve the same problems from different angles. Different expertise that provides improved service
-How can CMS provide an opportunity for improved library instruction for students over classroom instruction
-Faculty don't think to go to the library to get someone to help them teach the course or set up CMS - libraries need to appear as a more fun place.
-Faculty don't come in to the library because it is online?
-Things are changing in terms of what students expect - entertain
-Libraries don't provide physical space for word processing. Labs are not in library. They are in the IT departments.