Friday, March 12, 2004

Conference day 1 discussion: table 5
Establish framework of issues
Other issues
-Teams to support faculty development; co-location of support [support in college/dept, center for teaching, library & faculty]
-Do the right people talk with the right counterparts? Top people talk, but not lower down
-Who has authority to make decisions?
-Communication and customer awareness/service: 1)front end is customer service: a business 2)back end is technical (CMS, A/V, Media classrooms, learning environment, digitla media lab)
-How to get faculty aware of what's available? Both for AT and library reources
-Can there be a library resource button in MCS?
-Do faculty prefer self-serve? Want to create their own personal digital library? One-stop shopping? What does this have to do with teaching or the core mission of the university? Why do faculty use the library or CMS? Make life easier or help with tenure
-Faculty want: seamless use; minimize clicks for students; persistent URLs, where is assignment is, not where readings are' direct link from catalog to full text
-Why do we want to integrate these systems? How do we know faculty and students want integration?
-Core mission: educate more efficiently?
-Are there examples of improving teaching/learning w/integration of library resources?
-Bring in outside expertise/
-It's more than the sum of the parts when things are integrated.
-Ho to get faculty to do it? Shift to working w/grad students? In dissertation process, etc. Train new faculty, not retirees
-Overlap b/t information and technology literacy - personalized services?
-Curricular change
-Do libraries need to be more fun? Public relations

-Things are changing on the campus, in student expectations. In how students learn or expect to have information delivered
-Integration - system is more than the sum of its parts, staff shortages, faculty want one-stop shopping. My boss told me to - higher level admin things it's a good idea. Integration is a broader theme across campus -- creating new efficiences. Systems dependent on each other
-Are library and CMS working at different sides of the same problems?
-We're all connected. Need to have others involved to do our own work. Need CRKT
-AT and library frequently co-located.
-Students still asking questions, different kinds of questions b/c of more complex environments
-Need more data to be able to see trends